Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Podcasting in Education

Audio boo is a wonderful podcasting tool and one that many teachers are embracing. Its free, and quite easy to make and post a recording. Podcasts, or radio shows, as Wes Fryer prefers them to be called (easy to understand and not too technical sounding), are a great way to showcase student thinking.

Students can do research and then explain what they have learned about a topic in a podcast. The fact that many people can listen to a podcast makes it exciting and relevant for students. Its only natural to be interested in the feedback from others, and posting a recording like this provides a much broader audience. Students can take a photo of their work and explain the process they went through to create it, or they can record themselves reading a story, etc.,  and then share this with others. Kristen Ziemke, in a webinar about Comprehension and Technology, showed her first grade book clubs making recordings of their conversations. This way she can spend time with one group yet still find out at a later time what students are thinking and saying about their book.

Podcasts are also a great way to explain something new to colleagues. I created the podcast below in an effort to document the process we are going through to teach students how to read images. The next step will truly be to have students do such a podcast to show what they are thinking!

Reading Images Podcast

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